Because of the varied types of environments and habitats in Nigeria, there are many different species of animals that live within the country’s borders. Of […]
The Significance of Love: Teaching kids the importance of Love during the month of Ramadan

Love is a very important part of Ramadan, and integrating certain concepts into daily activities is a great way to involve children and create a […]
New Tastes: Fruits Native To Nigeria

Because of Nigeria’s climate, many fruits you might have never heard of grow seasonally in the tropics of this African country. Whether you are a […]
The Art of Giving: How to teach your children the act of charity during Ramadan

Charity takes on a major role during the Holy Month of Ramadan, and getting the whole family involved might be challenging when you have children […]
Tastes To Expect: Essential Ingredients In Nigerian Cooking

In Nigerian cuisine, there are many flavors that stand out. These flavors have become iconic and essential in cooking traditional Nigerian dishes, or giving any […]
Exercise is the answer: The benefits of sports and exercising

Exercising is one of the best things you can do for your body. The health benefits are abundant, and it isn’t just the body that […]
Setting Your Iftar Table: How to set an attractive dining table in Ramadan

Iftar is the daily breaking of fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan, and socialization and hospitality plays a major role in achieving a successful […]
Transportation: Traveling around Nigeria

Being the second largest city, by population, in Nigeria, as well as in the entire African continent, Lagos is a winding maze of trails, roads, […]
Diversity is Key: The various languages spoken in Nigeria

Nigeria is home to over 500 various spoken languages, and this is what adds to the rich culture and history of the land. The official […]
Some amazing facts about Lagos

Whether you’re a local, or you’re moving in to Lagos from abroad, knowing a little bit about your surroundings is key to enjoying and seeking […]